Sunday, May 15, 2011

Respone #3: Pgs. 61-123

       Some interesting quotes I found in this section of Shift are: I only heard one thing- Chris, not Chrisandwin. (pg. 63), "Tricksey Hobbitses stole my precious!" (pg. 66), "Seriously, my little cousin in New Jersey has a light just like that. Only hers has this little thing you can put on the front that makes the light change from purple to pink to yellow...." Win leaned a little closer. "Looks like yours broke off." (pg. 69), "Tell her the yard isn't even worth taking a dump in!" (pg. 70), He let the lure of pies sink in. Shrewd. (pg. 75), ...drunk with saturated fat and exhaustion. (pg. 77), "Win's behavior was clinically weird, Agent Ward." (pg. 80), "But you're the only one who just biked cross-country with a guy carrying nineteen thousand dollars in cash when he disappeared." (pg. 83), "...but at least she'll have to give up on the kidnapped and dead-in-a-ditch theories." (pg. 87), And the truth was, I didn't because I was afraid of what I already knew. (pg. 92), Who the hell was Tricksey? (pg. 100), Reality had a disappointing habit of not measuring up to my memories. (pg. 101), Win ranted on. "Land of Ten Thousand Lakes, right? Well, how'd all the lakes get here if these hills are in the way?" (pg. 103), "I think my shrink has that painting." (pg. 106), Win's dad had him spooked. (pg. 111), What it might feel like to always worry about saying the wrong thing at the wrong moment. (pg. 112), The postcard wasn't begging to be handed over anymore. (pg. 115), Apparently, Win had been a closet fan of the TV show based on the book. (pg. 118), "...You will never again see the inside of a jail cell, Eagle." (pg. 112).
       Some thoughts I had from reading this section of Shift were: Why did Win have so much unused money?, I think the way Win teases the people on the trip is funny and charming, Why does everyone but Win fear Coggans?

1 comment:

  1. I really like the comments from the book and think you picked good quotes. I also think your toughs were good to. :)
